NEW Salt Lake City Owner

We want to welcome Jackie Zylstra of Salt Lake City, Utah to the NEAT team. We are thrilled to have her. Let’s find out more about what makes her so NEAT.

NM :: Why do you want to run NEAT in your city?

JZ ::  Salt Lake City, as well as the whole state of Utah, is growing rapidly! With so many homes being built and people moving into the state, I think it is a perfect opportunity for NEAT to get more involved and help people live an organized life!


NM :: What did you do before NEAT?

JZ :: Before I started working for NEAT Method, I was a student at Brigham Young University where I studied Exercise & Wellness.


NM :: What makes your city unique?

JZ :: I find Salt Lake City unique because of its history, incredible national parks, and top-rated ski resorts. These are just a few reasons why people come to visit, and even buy second homes here. A lot of our clients have vacation homes in Utah!



NM :: What are your favorite places to eat in your city?

JZ :: There are so many places to choose from! My top five would have to be Ginger Street, CHOM Burger, The Ivy, Vessel Kitchen, & Communal.


NM :: What do you think is going to be your favorite part of running NEAT in your city?

JZ :: I am excited to get involved in the community! There are so many women-owned businesses and I am excited to connect with them, learn from them, and grow NEAT!


NM :: What can people expect when they hire you to organize their home?

JZ :: When people hire our team to organize their home, they can expect professionalism, consistency, honesty, and quality!

NM :: What is your favorite organizing product?

JZ :: There are so many to choose from! I would have to say drawer dividers. They can transform a drawer into such an ideal space.

NM :: We agree - such a simple product for a quick project. Anything else we need to know?

JZ :: I absolutely love dogs! I have a goldendoodle named Gus and I think he is the cutest, sweetest little guy in the world!


You sound like a girl after our own puppy-loving heart! Congratulations on taking ownership of the Salt Lake City market. We’re so excited to have you join NEAT!

The NEAT Team

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