Which NEAT Dad is the Most OCD???
Would you believe us if we told you that our male clients are actually far more OCD than our female??? It's true. Now, don't get us wrong … the man of the house is usually the most hesitant to hire us. Then, once we've worked our magic, they are the one's singing our praises over their newly perfected space.
We thought what better way to honor our male clients than a post for Father's Day! We did some digging and actually found out that it's not just the NEAT girls that are a little OCD around the house. We are sure you were curious as to which NEAT Dad has the most OCD habits…so, we asked some of them to share just what they are so obsessed with. Think you can figure out which statement matches which Dad???
1. This NEAT Dad is more than obsessed with his car or any car for that matter. In fact, he is so obsessed that he washes it up to two times per week.
2. This NEAT Dad insists on using only wooden hangers for his clothes, even though his wife preaches to him all about the slimline hangers saving space.
3. This NEAT Dad can't get out of the shower without straightening all of the bottles and separating into their categories. Likes with likes of course!
4. This NEAT Dad gets his hair cut every three weeks to the day and panics when he goes a day or two over!
5. This NEAT Dad re-organizes the dishwasher after it's already been loaded…every time. No matter who packed it!
6. This NEAT Dad has a strange meticulous way of rolling his toothpaste. He can't even share his tube with his wife because it has to be so perfectly rolled!
1. C (Andy Combs, Michigan) 2. F (Corey Johnson, San Francisco) 3. A (Ryan Graves, San Francisco) 4. E (Erik Koentje, San Diego) 5. D (Mike Murphy, Chicago) 6. B (Russ Perry, Scottsdale)
Wow! Now those are some fun OCD habits. And you say we are the crazy, type A ones!?!? OCD officially stands for Obsessive Compulsive DAD! Happy Father's Day everyone!
the NEAT girls